Saturday, July 30

yesterday and today was fun. today was the learners and leaders conference, so i had to help mdm lim set up the craft exhibition yesterday night. i was doing my art first, then she asked me for my help. it got to be more fun than doing my art, so i agreed. did stuff like paste posters on backboards and pinning them up.

it was about seven-thirty when i went to help mrs quah with her learning centre. hung things up and all. den went back to the exhibition. mrs tan and mdm lim were there, so i had more stuff to do. i left school around eight-thirty and took a cab home. i was exhausted. but it was fun. enjoyed helping them.

today went early for art. and got called to help mdm lim again. went down to the exhibition for last minute touch-ups and back to the art room to set it up. shumei and gab helped too. arranged chairs, pinned down table cloths, washed plates and packed up.

den it was time for the conference! haha. i stayed in the art room to see mdm lim's presentation. was pretty cool.

den went to do my art and all. yeah.. christabel, my badminton junior came up and asked me to go with her to the cca booth. so i went.. sat down with shumei in the canteen and talked to her. she was upset about ivan. we went to see the drama dance and abit of the BB dance.

i'd told mrs quah i'd see her presentation so i headed for her classroom. it had alr started and we went in to watch. shumei didnt want to go in the first place, but i'd begged her to accompany me. ah well. it was interesting but the rest got bored. sm had called berenice, isabelle and kailin along too.

had to leave halfway for the graduation ceremony. sang wonderful songs, had a few talks and all. i enjoyed myself overall. shumei and i made a pact to come back together next, next year for the graduation ceremony. then we'd go for the dinner together too.

im so tired. only had time to eat one meal a day these few days. sometimes just dinner sometimes just lunch. im really tight on cash these few days for some reason. no appetite too anw.

supposed to have a counselling session with mrs chiang yesterday afternoon. but i ididnt feel like going and all. i dont like to blurt out things that im not supposed to say. im always caught in that situation and regret later. things are really tense in my family too. between me and my dad, actually. havent been talking to him and stuff. we werent that close in the first place anyway. so its really nothing to lose.

well. im hitting the sack now. tah.

michi ]|[ 20:56

Saturday, July 23

well. didnt update these few days. looks like i only have time to blog during the weekend.

stayed over at sher's last night with gaby. didnt plan it or anything. it was an impluse decision at 8pm last night. haha .. reached her house ard ten. talked abit; slept on her bed. she slept in the tv room.. her bed had the pullout thinger; gab slept there. very shuang.. den watched ice princess on dvd. great show. lovely. then watched 'the whole ten yeards'. its this killing show. a tad of comedy in there. not bad.

went home. there was a sudden downpour. scary. had to walk home in the rain. thank God it let up a few minutes after. i slipped and fell on my rear end. stupid.. was purty painful. hai. i hope sher didnt see me =x

hmmm. came home, watched abit of 'Friends'. nice nice. den went out with my parents to see phone. went to raffles city. there was some ndp thinger going on, so the place was crawling with police. they gave me the goosebumps. made me remember things i dont want to remember.

anw, wanted to get either N6670 or this samsung one. but ended up with N6680. haha.. the 3G phone. my parents weighed the advantages and of course, 6680 was better. if we got two of that, we'd get a better deal. so gab bought also.. she got the bronze one; i got the light blue one. but bronze nicer! hai. nvm. i shall be nice and let her have it.

so many birthdays are coming. shucks. no money lah.. i think i gotta fast for the next few weeks alr. alright. gotta go. tah.

michi ]|[ 22:09

Sunday, July 17

the past few days were a nightmare, and i dont think next week would be any better. friday afternoon wasa nightmare for me.

i didnt do anything since friday. all i did was mope ard the house and lie on my bed. i dont feel like walking ard, i dont feel like going out. i thought my parents and gab would get turned off by my moodiness. but gab even encouraged me to get out of the house later. i dont feel like going. i feel like just staying in my room.

my dad told my grandma that i had some rs problems, and she came into my room and started scolding me. she said i deserved it and everything. i dont deserve anything, it wasnt even my fault! i dont understand why cant she be supportive like my parents. why does she have to say things that bring me down? im feeling bad enough as it is. i dont need to be reprimanded at this point in time. if you have to scold me, do it when im in a better mood.

i dont want this to happen. you think im happy to see things become like this? so many people were affected. why cant she just try to be understanding and not probe so much into things. before she knew what happened, she would come to me and ask what happened, that no matter what she and my parents would always be there for me. then now? she doesnt know the details! she just knows that i got into a relationship that flopped and now im recovering from it. doesnt she have anything better to say than that i asked for it?

i didnt know things would turn out this way. you think i feel good by getting into trouble, and telling people what i dont want to? i didnt want this to happen. i really didnt. i wasnt the only involved. i didnt ask to get involved in this. i didnt ask for this to happen. why cant you just leave me alone and let it be. what's happened alr happened. i cant change anything anymore. no point scolding me for something that's already happened.

'thanks' for being supportive like you said you would be.

michi ]|[ 13:37

Thursday, July 14

hmm. today was fun. stayed back at the library with shumei, gab and matthew. we went down to eat; sher came and joined us soon aft. we talked, den decided to go back to the art room. it was locked, so shumei suggested we go to donald's house =x

we had nothing else to do, so we agreed. turned out he wasnt free, and we went to esplanade instead. we took bus there, and the journey was really long. it was abt half an hour but it felt like forty-five minutes. i stoned, listened to music and slept on the bus. it wasnt comfortable, and it got really cold cuz it was raining.

we reached there, and walked ard. we walked past this chocolate shop and gab asked me to buy this white chocolate truffle for her. it was small; i got two for her since she wanted it. i borrowed two bucks frm sherlyn cuz i didnt have the money with me. i got two, and the stupid small chocolate thinger cost like $1.75 each!! i nearly fainted when i saw the price. hadda borrow two bucks frm shumei first. hai. now i owe sher two bucks and i owe shumei $1.25. gab looked like she hadnt wanted me to buy it for her. my heart broke. went to borrow money juz to please her n she said it was just a passing remark. but heck.

walked ard more, and shumei wanted my unc to bring her home. he wasnt free; she had to go back by mrt. she looked pissed cuz we knew very well that she had to reach home by seven. felt damn bad. hai. hope she doesnt blame any of us. duno how to face her tmr.

sent her to the mrt, then we walked ard city link. then walked to raffles. there was this couple sitting below us, and we were looking at them from the balcony of the second level. the guy was kneeling down, and i joked, saying he was proposing. den i made fun of him and everything. sher dubbed in voices for them. wahahaha. so fun sia. i was laughing like crazy.

then we left for home. so tired. wanted to bitch about stuff here. but today erased my anger to blog. which is good. dont wanna get sued for slander or something.

michi ]|[ 20:11

Sunday, July 10

english was cool the last few days. we were assigned to write one descriptive paragraph about the canteen. when aaron and i heard john's, our mouths hung open. omg, it was so nice! he used the sentence "the sun shone through, dying the canteen with splashes of orange". dyed the canteen with splashes of orange! all of us were stunned speechless. so nice right!! haha. aaron and i had fun even though we were sitting far from each other. we shot each other glances and stuff.

played a joke on aaron before english lesson one day. peered thru the window; mrs quah didnt come yet. i joked, telling him that there was someone in there. wahaha. he didnt buy it, and shumei agreed with him. mrs quah played along with me. in the end i just said i saw my reflection, and thought it was a ghost.

school these days were really fun. duno why. sherlyn's over, doing her coursework, so im using my dad's laptop. the music in his com is not suited to my tastes. but heck. i dont use it often anyway.

its so boring. i just remembered i got maths to do, and i left the tys in my locker. im so screwed tomorrow. hais. cant wait for tuesday though. got assembly! haha. thats always fun, because sher, wendy, shumei and i would always sing.

had art yesterday. went to sch just for three hours of art. didnt do much too. i could only do my work properly after school. im much more alert then. had alot on my mind, and i accidentally split a bowl of dirty water on my board. chided myself like crazy. thank God i was using acrylic paints, and they're water proof, or i'd have to start all over. things have been topsy turvy. hope this bad spell goes off soon.

had a good talk yesterday night with matthew at my block's void deck. we were talking halfway, when we suddenly heard music coming from zhang de primary. the lights were on in one room, and the music of superstar - S.H.E. came on. only the music, no words. i was so freaked out. it was amazing i managed to sleep that night, considering i napped for four hours before meeting him.

didnt update for quite some time, because i was rather busy with homework and stuff. plus i watch tv. so yeah. havent been online for quite some time too. not really used to blogging nw. haha.

golly, i typed so much. heh. sorry, just that i suddenly had alot to say. i'll stop here then. tah!

michi ]|[ 15:57

Sunday, July 3

sher wanted to get a hamster/gerbill/rabbit at holland v, and asked gab and i along. so we went. met ard three. went to the pet shop to see. i was playing with this dog collar..den i just walked off. goodness. i ran back when i found out i had it. hai. luckily the shop owner didnt notice, or she'd have called the police. but it goes to show that the security there is very lax. i think if sher took the cage and walked off, she'd remain oblivious.

went to scorp's house aft that. we wanted to see his dog, tobey. si bei big. its a labrador retriever. it was so psychotic, and cant seem to keep still.

watched aviva badminton in his room. left ard 1730. went to bk, and scorp left soon. i was hungry, but didnt want to spend my money on dinner cuz i was going out tmr. so sher lent me six bucks. yup. den talked.. joked. gab and sher felt like eating the twenty-cent potato thinger. so gab went down. she bought five boxes -_-

we stuffed ourselves silly. talked for awhile before heading to a pet shop to buy rabbit food. sher's friend was giving her her rabbit. reached home ard 2030. was rather late. my parents were watching 'scary movie' in the room. gab and i went in and watched also. the show is sooooo stupid! plus my mom bought the dvd.. wasting money.

michi ]|[ 21:22

Saturday, July 2

i wasnt myself yesterday, so i did sumthing that i nvr thought i would do. i went out into the second hall and started playing the piano. i learnt four songs: long, long ago; beauty and the beast; silent night; o come all ye faithful. not bad. haha. considering i didnt touch the piano for years. dont know why i quit piano .. oh yeah. it was because of the teacher. i hated piano then, and didnt practice and stuff. i'd get awfully scared of her in the end.

anw .. today was sports day. mr pang asked why i didnt run.. told him i didnt qualify. heck. there was this 8x50m parent/teacher race. lol. it was damn funny. i had great fun.

aft sports day, matthew and i took the bus down to plaza sing to watch 'initial d'. the bus ride was long, but it seemed to take only five mins, cuz we talked the whole way there. bought tickets, and went to kfc to eat. then went for the show. it was abt this racing thing.

omg jay chou was so ... suave! edison chen also. when it wasnt abt them racing, there were jokes in between. omg so funny. i kept laughing. but the racing part was sian. they always went to the same place and raced, and it got kinda boring aft awhile. i was sleeping during the race part. matthew woke me up aft the racing was over. i cant decide if it was good. but it was really funny. esp anthony wong.

den walked ard.. went to times bookshop, and browsed there for like, two hours?. we were flipping thru joke books and advice on love. haha. laughed ourselves sick. we left ard 6 plus. took the bus from outside park mall. sian, the bus took freaking long to come. he went with me, because he'd wanted to see gab. so sweet! haha.

well, i left him at the lift, and he went to find gab at the tables at the void deck. i went up, bathed, and came down again to go get my specs repaired. the screw was a tad loose. went to find matthew and gab. sat there for awhile, and went to buy green tea for matthew on the way to get my specs repaired. got some yupi green apple chewy candy too.

talked for awhile more before coming up. and here i am. i'd kb-ed my mom last night about my younger sister getting an iPod mini while i got just a shuffle when i wanted a mini too. den tonight i went to apologize to her.. i felt better aft that. and im glad i did it, or i'd be guilt-ridden for a long time.

going for bowling on monday, with wendy and kailin. cant wait. hope it aint too expensive tho. i spent abt twenty-two today. plus i owe my mom twenty bucks. yeah..

michi ]|[ 20:27